
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Incarceratory Punishment

Dr. Matt5/01/2024 9:14:55 am PDT

SMOTI/Gateway Pundit warned by its own lawyer it was using ‘a damned fraud’ as a source: report

A new filing in a defamation lawsuit filed by Georgia poll workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss against the conspiracy theory website Gateway Pundit reveals that workers at the site feared for their credibility, reported The Guardian — and their own attorney warned them that the source for their claims was not to be trusted.

The site’s founder, Jim Hoft, has earned the nickname “The Dumbest Man on the Internet” for years of strange and sloppy claims. Despite this, former President Donald Trump has been reported to be an avid reader of the site.

“Attorneys for Freeman and Moss … said in their filing that John Burns, a lawyer for Gateway Pundit, had warned the site about relying on Kevin Moncla, a source in Georgia who fed the site information on Freeman and Moss, including their non-public personnel files, according to the filing,” said the report.